Muscle Activation Techniques is strength and health for muscles


Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) is a process aimed at improving muscle function. In muscle activation, we assess your body’s limitations and treat muscle weaknesses to give your body new possibilities for motion and healing.

Through specialized range-of-motion assessments, we determine what your body can’t do. Then, using non-invasive hands-on work (touch) and isometric movements, we bring neuromuscular balance to joints and health to inflamed or inhibited muscles. Essentially, we turn on dormant muscles, addressing cases where muscles won’t fire on demand, don’t fire effectively, or won’t fire at all. We reconnect your brain to your muscles, strengthening communication to and from the central nervous system.

MAT is performed using a treatment/massage table wearing normal exercise clothing. Combined with a Pilates lesson, MAT can make more movement possible, either by opening up greater ranges-of-motion or simply encouraging a safe body environment for a more full workout. MAT can also be used in the rehabilitation and prevention of injuries.

The modalities of Pilates and MAT are highly complimentary. Carrie collaborates with clients to determine the appropriate ratio of Pilates exercise with MAT.


Restore healthy muscle activation and muscle patterning

Below, you can find links to the Muscle Activation Techniques website where you can learn more about the modality, find answers to FAQs, and listen to a short informational podcast with the founder of MAT.

Muscle Activation Techniques ⟶
8-Minute Informational Podcast ⟶

“Carrie has great knowledge of the body and how to test individual muscle engagement. It was amazing to me how she was able to help my shoulder pain, which I have been dealing with long term. After each session of activating the muscles that were inhibited, I could feel and see the improvement right away.”

— Antje, client

“Carrie is very detail oriented and can pick out the causes of body issues rather than just obvious symptoms. Being a younger individual, I was surprised to learn how my muscles have been compensating because of insufficient activation. I always left my MAT sessions with a greater range of motion and knowledge on how to continue my active lifestyle more efficiently.”

— Katherina, client